Spotting a good kisser just got easier

Kissing is one of life’s greatest natural pleasures, be it a friendly kiss on the cheek or a full make out session. A good kiss can increase the feelings of love and intimacy you have for your partner, while a bad kiss on the other hand can kill the feelings you have in the matters of romance.
Remember the movie Pretty Woman? Julia Roberts defined kissing as getting a glimpse of someone else’s soul. Kissing is a lot more than just the lips and the mouth.
Being a good kisser is not only intimate and pleasurable, but it’s also a key ingredient to a successful relationship. In fact, according to Time magazine, 59% of men and 66% of women have reportedly ended a relationship because their partner was a bad kisser.
Of course, with so many people and so many lips, there are bound to be any number of opinions about what constitutes a “good kisser.” But according to William Kane, author of The Art of Kissing, there are certain elements that make some kissers better than others.
Below are steps to guide you to that most memorable kiss ever;

1. Great first kiss
Since a great kiss initiates future kissing, then you would not want to ruin that first kiss. The first rule of a great first kiss is picking your moment. This does not mean you have to wait until everything is perfect.
The best thing you can do is start slowly, leaning in and letting the moment build to a crescendo before your lips touch. And when they do, savor the moment. The most memorable kisses aren’t the ones where you just attack one another, but ones where the moment builds.
2. Perfect your technique
Your first kiss was amazing; try to maintain that reputation by building up on your previous kiss. Nobody likes a forceful kisser, so there’s no pressure for passion as though you are about to eat your partner’s face.
One of the most common complaints that women have about the way their man kisses is that it gets too repetitive and mechanical. No matter how much they may like kissing you, doing the same thing over and over again gets boring.
Don’t just stand there kissing the lips, what about the cheek, earlobe and the collarbone? Remember kissing is a whole body activity.
3. Use your hands properly
Holding her against you, but not too tightly can increase the intensity. Cup her face or run your fingers through her hair as you kiss. Many women like a gentle tug on their hair as you kiss; if you’re going to do this (and you know if your partner is one of those women who like it) then run your fingers through her hair and grasp it gently near the scalp. You’re not trying to hurt her; you’re just adding a level of passion and intensity.
4. Maintain a good oral hygiene
Taking care of your teeth is very important. A dry mouth is a pleasant one, so remember to have mints and gum mouthwash around you. If your mouth stinks, it kills the mood even before the kissing gets started.
5. Play an active role in the kiss
Men believe women tend to let the guys do more of the work, but are sure they don’t mind when the lady is more into it as expected. As a lady, take initiative and build up the passion.
Kissing is like a dance, it has a rhythm and tempo of its own and when the two of you are in the moment, it ceases to be a kiss and turns into something magical. And believe me: a man/woman who can make that magic happen is going to forever be in demand.
Remember it is International kissing day, why not go out there and show your spouse how good you are?