17 year old Lauren Wiggins was criticized by her school bosses and put
in detention for wearing a 'sexually
distracting' halter neck dress (pictured right) to school. Lauren later
hit back at teachers at her her school, New Brunswick school in Canada
in an
emotional letter she posted on Facebook saying that their attitudes are
discrimination against women and encouraging the
objectification of women. Below is what she wrote;
"Today I received a
detention because the outfit I am wearing is considered inappropriate
and a sexual distraction to the young men in my school. Enough is
enough. I’m tired of the unjust standards that we as women are held up
If you are truly so concerned that a boy in this school will get
distracted by my upper back and shoulders, then he needs to be sent home
and practice self-control.
I’m tired of
the discrimination against our bodies, and I’m absolutely fed up with
comments that make us feel like we can’t be comfortable without being
In today’s society, a woman’s body is constantly discriminated
against and hypersexualized to the point where we can no longer wear the
clothing that we feel comfortable in without the accusation and/or
assumption that we are being provocative.
Schools are the social
building blocks in an adolescent’s life, meant to teach them how to
communicate and develop relationships with others and also learning
about themselves and who they want to be.It’s preached upon us to be individual, to be ourselves.
The double standard here is that when we try, we are then told we’re wrong. If
you are truly so concerned that a boy in this school will get
distracted by my upper back and shoulders then he needs to be sent home
and practice self control.