ISIS Is the Mirror That Reflects Our Dark Side

The lunacy that ISIS thugs are exhibiting is not something new. There have always been crazy groups claiming they have some sort of divine or nationalistic right to kill other people. These groups have a few things in common -- psychotic tendencies, bad taste in fashion and a horrible sense of humor. The KKK is a perfect example.
The thing is, ISIS is not just screwing the lives of the people living under its direct control. Its effect is extending far beyond its borders.
ISIS is the kiss of life for dictators who have been killing their citizens for decades. Some people are now looking at ISIS and saying in comparison, "Hmmm, maybe we should keep that serial killer as a president."

"These groups have a few things in common -- psychotic tendencies, bad taste in fashion and a horrible sense of humor."

Even al Qaeda's actions are considered "vanilla" terrorism next to ISIS. You really get worried when someone like Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of al Qaeda, looks at ISIS and says, "Wow dude, that's a bit extreme."
ISIS is also screwing the lives of Muslims around the world who are being demonized in the media. I have been hearing all kinds of insane lies, such as "all-Muslim no-go zones" in Europe and the U.S. and "Sharia law being applied in the Midwest." If you watch Fox News, you will understand.
Suddenly, as a Muslim, I am required to apologize and renounce every act that the batshit crazy ZZ Top lunatics of ISIS commit. Why should Muslims have to apologize for ISIS? The West never had to apologize for the Kardashians.

"Why should Muslims have to apologize for ISIS? The West never had to apologize for the Kardashians."

ISIS is a savage group who should be eliminated. But it is also just another embodiment of how ugly the world has always been. It is a modern representation of the many genocides and atrocities mankind has committed throughout history. It's just that previously, there was no YouTube or Facebook to document it.
ISIS is the mirror that reflects our dark side.
So yes, let's purge these savages. And then let's go about our lives thinking that we did enough. Only thing is -- down the line, another group of lunatics will emerge and dominate our 24-hour news cycle.
Because we never got down to the source of evil. We just broke the mirror.